Welcome to HPDIC Lab
The High-Performance Data-Intelligence Computing (HPDIC) lab, currently hosted at the University of Washington, publishes research findings at top conferences (e.g., SC, SIGMOD, AAAI) and journals (e.g., TPDS, TSC, TPAMI).
- 2025
- [Feb.] Prof. Zhao invited to serve on an NSF panel of grant proposals.
- [Feb.] Prof. Zhao received a research grant from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
- [Feb.] Prof. Zhao invited to serve as a reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security.
- [Feb.] Prof. Zhao received a research grant from Microsoft.
- [Feb.] UCM-NetV2 accepted by Journal of Economy and Technology.
- [Jan.] Prof. Zhao received the Best Researcher Award, NSGA 2025.
- [Jan.] Federated Learning for Competitors accepted by Journal of Economy and Technology.
- 2024
- [Dec.] Prof. Zhao invited to serve on the TPC of ICDCS'25.
- [Dec.] Prof. Zhao invited to serve as a reviewer of zbMATH, European Mathematical Soceity.
- [Oct.] GraphQL-based Serverless Computing to be presented at Middleware'24.
- [Oct.] Prof. Zhao invited to serve on the TPC of IPDPS'25.
- [Sept.] Semantic Contextualization with Contrastive Learning accepted by Applied Intelligence.
- [Sept.] Roofline Compression Model to be presented at SC'24.
- [Aug.] Mamba Neural Network for Skin Lesion accepted by Exploration of Medicine.
- [Aug.] Prof. Zhao invited to serve on the TPC of WWW'25.
- [Jun.] Prof. Zhao gave a talk at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- [Jun.] AI-based Skin Lesion Segmentation accepted by Biomedical Signal Processing & Control.
- [Jun.] Prof. Zhao invited to serve on the TPC of AAAI'25.
- [May] Homomorphic Encryption on Edge Computing accepted by ICWS'24, acceptance rate 19%.
- [Mar.] Dynamic Caching for Vector Databases presented at ICICT'24.
- [Jan.] Nonparametric Topological Layers in Neural Networks accepted by PAKDD'24, oral.
- 2023
- [Dec.] Prof. Zhao received a research grant from Microsoft.
- [Aug.] Decoupled Databases for Federated Learning (DDFL) presented at KDD'23.
- [July] Prof. Zhao joined the University of Washington as an Assistant Professor.
- [Mar.] Prof. Zhao invited to give a talk at Florida State University.
- [Mar.] Prof. Zhao invited to give a talk at Indiana University.
- [Mar.] Prof. Zhao invited to give a talk at Pennsylvania State University.
- [Mar.] Prof. Zhao invited to give a talk at University of Washington.